Corporate Loans

Mercantile Bank Limited always provides suitable product (loans and advances) for its customers. The bank also designs new products and reengineering the existing products to keep the same competitive in the market. While designing new products and/or reengineering existing ones, the bank always emphasize on costumers’ demand, national interest socio-environmental aspect etc. Mercantile Bnak Limited has the following products to meet the customer’s demand/ requirements

Funded Credit Facilities

Any type of credit facility which involves direct outflow of bank’s fund on account of borrower refers to funded credit facility. The followings are the funded credit facilities/limits practiced in the Mercantile Bank Limited.

Non - Funded Credit Facility

Any type of credit facility which involves commitment of bank on behalf of customer for payment to third party in case of need under some agreed conditions refers to non-funded credit facility. The followings are the non-funded credit facilities/limits practiced in the Mercantile Bank Limited: