Musharaka Documentary Bill Purchase (MDBP) – Export Finance

In order to avoid the risk associated with the Foreign Currency Positions against purchase of Inland Export Bills and at the same time to meet the financing need of the valued export clients, MBL-Taqwa Islamic Banking introduce Musharaka mode of finance in place of Inland Bills Purchased (IBP) as Post Shipment Export finance as titled of “Musharaka Documentary Bills Purchase (MDBP)”. Both Local BDT currency & Foreign USD Currency (OBU Finance) is available under MDBP. The literal meaning of Musharakah is sharing, two or more parties are involved in a venture. All the parties provide their fund/capital as per their ability and mutual agreement. Profits generated are shared in a predetermined agreed ratio among the partners; on the other hand if the venture makes loss, it will be shared as per capital participation ratio.